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New to KOtOR & TSL modding (very new) Help!

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12-08-2005, 4:54 PM
Hola. I'm quite new to the modding process and I need help on where to start. I have an xbox system and an action replay device. How would I start modding my game saves? What software do I need to download to get started? Yes. I'm a bit lost, lol. Any help that you guys/girls can give me, I would greatly appreciate it.
12-09-2005, 9:27 AM
use to get your saves. Then just simply start your game. Also welcome to the boards, and enjoy your stay.

edit- You can also pick up similar devices that will help you mod, on the boards here. I think the Kotor Save Game Editor, works for xbox, and same with the USM. Just make sure you check the read me's before you do anything.
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