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XWA does not work with 64 Geoforce 2 Ultra DDR

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03-27-2001, 9:15 AM
Hi all

Can somebody help me.

Having just bought a new computer with a 64mb Geoforce 2 Ultra card I loaded up XWA expecting to see fantastic graphics.

However the game defaults to software mode and I can't reset the 3D option sin the ingame menu.

Machine spec is

AMD Athlon 1.2ghz
256mb Ram
geforce 2 Ultra 3d Card
with version 6.5 drivers downloaded from the Nvidia website.

Direct X is ver 8

If anybody can help I would appreciate it.

03-28-2001, 2:30 PM

i have nearly the same pc configuration as you, except the gforce. i have a gforce gts 32 mb. i use the detonator 6.50. you should download the patch for xwa!

try it
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