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NCA Patch Help

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 Bubba Fatt
08-29-2000, 2:41 PM
Help a poor fool pilot. The NCA patch(es) are great, but unfortunately, whenever I go to fight on a certain Eclipse Star Destroyer, or fight the Rebel fleet vs Imp Fleet, the game shuts off on me at the loading screen. I have a good vid card and all, but im not sure what the problem is. It seems like certain ships don't want to load in my game.

08-30-2000, 1:58 AM
Make sure you've installed the 1.1 patch, and the 1.2 update. If that doesn't work, totally uninstall the patches and XWA, and reinstall everything.
 Bubba Fatt
08-30-2000, 5:17 PM
I tried all of that and it still doesn't work...any ideas what's wrong? I guess my computer is just repellent of Home One and The SSD Eclipse.

08-31-2000, 12:39 AM
I had some problem like you, but I have a voodoo3 3000. I solve it turning off the Hardware mip mapping on hardware only video options...
 Bubba Fatt
08-31-2000, 2:44 AM

I think that did it! Thanks a lot!

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