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Any chance for the Mac?

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 Tim from FBTB
08-02-2001, 2:47 PM
Please tell me that there will be a Mac version of this game somewhere down the road . . .
08-02-2001, 5:31 PM
hey Tim !

A SW-Lego site... i knew it had to happen someday.. :D

AOK is in development for the Mac about 1.5 years after it hit the streets.. so somewhere down the road.. it could happen if Lucasarts think it's worth it. I don't know if they convert their other games for Mac as well, but seeing as a lot of offices with LAN's have MAC's, they really shouldn't miss that opportunity.
08-03-2001, 10:45 AM
Good question. I know Jedi Knight II for the MAC is in progress, but I haven't asked about GB. I'll get back to you on that.
 Sherack Nhar
08-03-2001, 1:51 PM
Wrong forum, Tim. Next time, watch where you post.

 Tie Guy
08-03-2001, 4:37 PM
Hi Tim.

I don't like mac's (no offense), but some of the previous games that LEC has come out with for macs have done quite well. Therefore, i too will tell you that it is only possible, but i wouldn't be suprised. Be prepared to wait though.
08-03-2001, 7:58 PM
Not very soon, but maybe it will.
08-04-2001, 9:33 AM
all you can do is hope they do though i don't have a mac, my friends do and they have macs
 Tie Guy
08-04-2001, 10:43 AM
My best friend has a mac and i love giving him a hard time about it :D
08-04-2001, 10:45 AM
Actually, the MAC may be a pain for upgrading and stuff, but it really makes for a nice gaming platform. It's really easy to use, late generations are very fast and their screens are crispy clear. I worked on an iMac a while ago and actually liked it. I just wonder if there would be certain game-features that would suffer because they would be on a Mac..
 Tie Guy
08-04-2001, 7:03 PM
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon
It's really easy to use, late generations are very fast

Macs aren't fast, that the thing i have with them. The new iMac is like 633 or something like that. The best thing about the mac is that they have a very nice picture and are easy to use, that is why they are used alot for graphic and artwork things. For gaming they aren't that great, IMO.
08-04-2001, 7:11 PM
So VERY true.
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