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10-12-2005, 12:30 AM


Here's the deal, post puzzles, riddles, paradoxes, enigmas, and anything similar just as you would in a "what if" or "trivia" thread.

The rules are:

#1 you do not talk about enigma club

#2 the rules always change (except for #1 and #4)

#3 you must specify what type it is (opening riddle is a math problem)


#5 answers must be in SPOILER FORM
([spoi ler] answer [/spoile r] no spaces)

for example:

I'll start with an easy one;)

(you can only read through once, so pay attention)
Math Problem: As I was going to St.Ives, I met a man with seven wives, each wife had seven sacks, each sack had seven cats, each cat had seven kits,
Kits, Cats, Sacks, and Wives, How many were going to St.Ives?
10-12-2005, 1:49 AM
(you can only read through once, so pay attention)
Math Problem: As I was going to St.Ives, I met a man with seven wives, each wife had seven sacks, each sack had seven cats, each cat had seven kits, Kits, Cats, Sacks, and Wives, How many were going to St.Ives?

Riddle Me This: What meat is like a useless post?
 Darth InSidious
10-12-2005, 5:44 AM
Riddle me this:
My first is in tea but not in leaf
My second is in teapot and also in teeth
My third is in caddy but not in cosy
My fourth is in cup but not in rosy
My fifth is in herbal and also in health
My sixth is in peppermint and always in wealth
My last is in drink, so what can I be?
I’m there in a classroom, do you listen to me?
 Aurora Merlow
10-12-2005, 8:11 AM
first time ever doing a spoiler so i hope it works

(the answer is teacher and no not often enough)

Alive without breath,
as cold as death;
Never thirsty, ever drinking,
All in mail never clinking
10-12-2005, 9:26 AM
Alive without breath,
as cold as death;
Never thirsty, ever drinking,
All in mail never clinking
A Fish

Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.
What am I?
 Bob Lion54
10-12-2005, 9:33 AM
Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.
What am I?



Edit: Crap. Im my haste to answer, I forgot to post a riddle...... now I can't think of one..... :disaprove

Edit2: got one!

I'm sometimes white
and always wrong
I can break a heart
and hurt the strong
a can build love
and tear it down
I can make a smile
but more often a frown.
what am I?
10-12-2005, 11:43 AM
I'm sometimes white
and always wrong
I can break a heart
and hurt the strong
a can build love
and tear it down
I can make a smile
but more often a frown.
what am I?

your lips or a muscle or somthing?

I'm not good at riddles so it proble wrong.
10-12-2005, 11:49 AM
I'm sometimes white
and always wrong
I can break a heart
and hurt the strong
a can build love
and tear it down
I can make a smile
but more often a frown.
what am I?
A Lie
I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will,
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
What am I?
10-12-2005, 11:52 AM
I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will,
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
What am I?

10-12-2005, 11:53 AM
Yes :D your turn for a riddle ;)
10-12-2005, 11:54 AM
Ok riddle is

The man who invented it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it. What is it?
10-12-2005, 11:55 AM
I believe the answer is:

I cannot be felt, seen or touched;
Yet I can be found in everybody;
My existence is always in debate;
Yet I have my own style of music.
What Am I?
 Aurora Merlow
10-12-2005, 11:59 AM
I cannot be felt, seen or touched;
Yet I can be found in everybody;
My existence is always in debate;
Yet I have my own style of music.
What Am I?

 Aurora Merlow
10-12-2005, 12:02 PM
sorry fordot a riddle

this thing all things devour;
birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
gnaws iron, bites steel;
grinds hard stones to meal;
slays kings, ruins towns,
and beats high mountains down
10-12-2005, 12:05 PM

It cannot be seen, it cannot be felt, it cannot be heard, it cannot be smelled. It lies behind stars, and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life and kills laughter. What is it?
 Bob Lion54
10-12-2005, 12:09 PM
Dont forget Bastilla's!
Ok riddle is

The man who invented it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it. What is it?

A coffin
 Aurora Merlow
10-12-2005, 12:11 PM

a box without hinges, key or lid,
yet golden treasure inside is hid
10-12-2005, 12:36 PM
An egg

10-12-2005, 12:43 PM
It cannot be seen, it cannot be felt, it cannot be heard, it cannot be smelled. It lies behind stars, and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life and kills laughter. What is it?
RobQuel-Droma's Riddle is still up for answering ;)

@BobLion54 - Rob had already answered Bastila's riddle in post #12
 Bob Lion54
10-12-2005, 1:02 PM
Ack, either I'm going insane or someones been using their edit button........ Nah, I'm going insane. But at least I know it, so not all hope is lost!

Anyways, seems we have a pass, so:

What word can be spelled the same way backward, forward, upside down and right side up?

Edit 2: Whoops, I saw a spoiler tag an figured it was right.
10-12-2005, 1:47 PM
It cannot be seen, it cannot be felt, it cannot be heard, it cannot be smelled. It lies behind stars, and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life and kills laughter. What is it?

 Bob Lion54
10-12-2005, 2:33 PM
Wait a tick!

It cannot be seen, it cannot be felt, it cannot be heard, it cannot be smelled. It lies behind stars, and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life and kills laughter. What is it?


a box without hinges, key or lid,
yet golden treasure inside is hid

I think the question was answered.....
Its from the Hobbit.
Granted, it could be
dark, instead of darkness
but unless I'm very much mistaken, we have an open question!
10-12-2005, 2:38 PM
It is
Dark or Darkness, I think either will do
10-13-2005, 12:11 AM
Okay, I'm not to good with them (just started it for the smart people:D)
So here's an easy one:

I am the first,
You'll never catch me,
I guide your adventures,
Some say your destiny,
I fear my death,
I see him in shadows,
Where do I travel,
Only god knows?
 Aurora Merlow
10-13-2005, 12:57 AM
I am the first,
You'll never catch me,
I guide your adventures,
Some say your destiny,
I fear my death,
I see him in shadows,
Where do I travel,
Only god knows?

i am not sure but i think its
10-14-2005, 12:44 AM
Close enough: Light, same difference:D
10-14-2005, 1:05 AM
Thirty white horses on a red hill, first they champ, then they stamp, then they
stand still.
10-14-2005, 1:09 AM
*confused* Is there a question, or is it supposed to be symbolic or what?

I don't see the challenge...unless that's the challenge?
 Aurora Merlow
10-14-2005, 4:13 AM

What always ends everything?
10-14-2005, 9:02 AM
destruction :D

The beginning of eternity,
the end of time and space.
The beginning of every end,
the end of every place.
10-14-2005, 9:28 AM
The letter "e" :). That was a tricky one

At night they come without being fetched,
And by day they are lost without being stolen.
10-14-2005, 9:30 AM
the stars
10-14-2005, 9:38 AM
Always smiles or maybe frowns,
Sinks in water, never drowns.
Catches prey on its barbed teeth.
Hunts all day but never eats.
10-14-2005, 12:12 PM
I'm not good at riddles, but i think its a net
What falls but never breaks
What breaks but never falls?
10-14-2005, 12:29 PM

10-14-2005, 12:43 PM
No, my question is still up, you had a wrong answer Hallucination. It is something else.
10-14-2005, 12:50 PM
No, my question is still up, you had a wrong answer Hallucination. It is something else.
A hook.. or Fish hook

Pass (if it's correct)
10-14-2005, 1:05 PM

Add zero, it would mean no motion.
Add value, a mathematical notion.
As an adverb, it's an affirmation.
With power could corrupt a nation.
10-14-2005, 6:44 PM
Is it money ? if I'm right my riddle would be:
What falls but never breaks
What breaks but never falls
10-15-2005, 12:50 AM
Didn't you just do that one hal?^^^
10-15-2005, 12:53 AM
No it is not money.
10-15-2005, 1:14 PM
Didn't you just do that one hal?^^^
I was wrong on the answer, so my thingy wasn't accepted.
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