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Help creating a curved saber?

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01-14-2005, 6:10 PM
Hiya all,

Well, first of all, I'm new here, be nice :D

But down to business. I have never modded before, but I've decided to create a lightsaber with a curved hilt, not unlike Count Dooku's (ep II), but I know I'll need help with it.
First of all, is it possible to curve a saber hilt in KOTOR?
If it is, would someone like to help me create?
And last of all, a completely unrelated topic that I shall post elsewhere regrding the ROTS mod.

Anyway, I would appreciate an answer :p
01-14-2005, 7:08 PM
not like Count Dookus? then um, what type of Curved you talking about?

No Doubt you can make a new LS Hilt, i couldnt do it myself unfortunatly but you can Learn how the magic is done by going to T7nowhere's Thread Labled "Do you Want to mod SW-KotOR? Then Start here.Mod Tutorials!"

That will provide you with what is needed.

In my Personal Opinion, there is no Bad New Hilt. I Download every hilt i can get my little paws on.

I will Await this one's Arrival to download it myself :)

But as you say a curved lightsaber unlike Count dookus, do you mean something else or a Curved Saber that isnt count dookus? Svosh is making a Count dooku hilt. Cheak his W.I.P.

i'd hone my skills first with a couple of Regular Saber models before going into the complicated Curved fancy Detail stuff, Unless your familier and skilled with Gmax....

With this i wish you good luck. Happy Modding..... Wow... i feel like a Moderator.... Woah i just got a chill. creepy.

01-14-2005, 7:51 PM
First you need gmax ( to make a new model or edit a game model.

You also need Mdlops ( . This program is used to convert KotOR's .mdl and .mdx model format into an ascii.mdl

and you will need Nwmax ( (gmax version) to load the ascii.mdl into gmax.

IF you make a new model, then you will still need NWmax to export the model from gmax and mdlops to convert the ascii.mdl into a .mdl and .mdx which KotOR can use.

LAST and this is very important to making a new model for KotOR. You need to read the tutorials that come with mdlops, and this thread Modeling tips: tuts For Gmax and 3DSMax 4 KotOR ( Pay special attention to Svцsh's posts. Once you get acquainted with all this you will be ready to make a curved Lightsaber.

ps. if you want and idea for a lightsaber design you should check out this website and if you want to make a curved saber thats kinda like Dooku's how about this one Asajj Ventress Lightsaber (
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