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The way it should have been

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09-25-2004, 12:22 PM
I think I'm going to pick back up on that one soon. Darth333 and KnightFxr have been kind enough to offer to write scripts to incorporate them into the game. That makes me want to see this one finished even more.
09-25-2004, 5:12 PM
Originally posted by bneezy
Our very own Prime is working on creating an original texture for the helmet model (which was HapSlash's original creation.) It could be released after that. There is already an icon ( for it and has already been scaled down ( to fit the heads in KotOR. Jedi Academy heads and models are a LOT bigger ( compared to one scaled down to fit ( KotOR Models. The armor you see is the Default (white) variant of Darth ToMeR's "Clonetrooper Armor".

Original Helmet Model: HapSlash
Reworked Helmet Texture: HapSlash
Clone trooper Armor Texture: Darth ToMeR
Icon: bneezy
Boba Fett Armor: Orsan
Boba Fett Helmet Model and Texture: Jedi Academy

Are these available for download? if not can you give me them:confused: these are awsome
 Ghost Down
12-07-2005, 6:05 AM
i bringing an old topic back from the dead...but what happend to that mandolorian armor ??
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