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Maybe just one more........

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08-06-2004, 3:29 AM
I know I know, I just "retired till KOTOR 2", but I had an idea I had to get out of me first. I have been meaning to do a variation of the mandalorian assault armor, and I figured why not do it with some old school flavor. So I started this, and I am almost done, is anyone interested?

Kolo Fett's Assault Armor:

08-06-2004, 3:40 AM
Originally posted by Colja
I know I know, I just "retired till KOTOR 2", but I had an idea I had to get out of me first. I have been meaning to do a variation of the mandalorian assault armor, and I figured why not do it with some old school flavor. So I started this, and I am almost done, is anyone interested?

Kolo Fett's Assault Armor:

Links don't seem to work....
08-06-2004, 3:43 AM
Links are asking for your password Colja
08-06-2004, 5:21 AM
08-06-2004, 5:31 AM
Definately "Old Scool" Mandalorian armor, and its a pretty sweet one as well! :D

Freakin Awesome Colja! :D
08-06-2004, 6:20 AM
I see it is of the usual Colja quality.............EXTREMELY GOOD, very nice job as usual.
08-06-2004, 6:40 AM
Armor is awesome!!! When will it be available?
08-06-2004, 10:11 AM
Glad to see you are back Colja :)
When can we download it?
08-06-2004, 12:58 PM
First of all thanks tanesh for fixing my links, I have been having a problem opening certain links on my computer and I don't know why. I am just trying to clean this up a little and I will release it VERY soon. Thnx for the kind words you guys.
08-06-2004, 1:44 PM
major sweetage!!! being a longtime fan of boba fett, this skin rocks!!!

:rock: :band1: :rock:
 Darth Dex
08-06-2004, 1:52 PM
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to DL it make it avablable!
 Colma Adawin
08-06-2004, 2:22 PM
Originally posted by Colja
I have been meaning to do a variation of the mandalorian assault armor, and I figured why not do it with some old school flavor. So I started this, and I am almost done, is anyone interested?

Kolo Fett's Assault Armor:

Colja, i take my hat off to your brilliance, well done bud, i dont actually use the mandolorian armour but, in this case i will defenetly reconcider :D:D:D:D:D

08-06-2004, 4:12 PM
Kolo Fett's Armor texture is now up for download!
08-06-2004, 4:20 PM
Already downloaded it! Great Job Colja
08-06-2004, 6:09 PM
Excellent skin man, I knew you couldn’t stay away ;)

08-06-2004, 7:09 PM
what can I say? cool skin, colja :)
08-07-2004, 12:58 AM
Now to figure out how to replace the Calo Nord skin with this one... :joy:

Edit: for my personal use, unless colja gives me permission...
 Darth Dex
08-07-2004, 7:24 AM
Why not just replace sll Mandolrian like it's meant to be?
08-07-2004, 7:29 AM
Good reskin.
08-07-2004, 11:28 PM
Can't wait to try this out. Good Job
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