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Help me i am a noob skinner

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06-30-2004, 7:18 PM
I need to learn to map. I use a mac. anyhelp u can email me (at email) thxs for ur help.
 Amidala from Chop Shop
07-01-2004, 2:16 AM
This forum is for skinning, not mapping. Go to one of the mapping forums.

Not a very auspicious beginning.
07-07-2004, 5:14 AM
What if he means skinmap... Anyway, dude, having ppl to contact you to teach you stuff is not very... worthy. I suggest you do some research by your own.

Get a 2d painting program like The Gimp for example, or Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro (which is much more cheap thant PS).
Get a texture of any model in Jedy Academy, and paint over it. See the results using modview. Voilб.
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