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Npc_droid_remote,,,not workin

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06-16-2004, 9:32 AM
Hi sry to bother u again,,,,,,

But now i have a problem,,,,when i put a Remote droid in a map,,,,the remote does not spawn when i play the map,,,plz help me,,, i realy need it for my new map ,,,,Kamino School
06-16-2004, 11:42 AM
Is it an SP or MP map?
06-18-2004, 6:09 AM
it is for a MP map,,,,does that not work in MP?
 Ice Dyn4stY™
06-18-2004, 6:14 AM
Some NPC's and effects doesn^t work in MP, only in's possible, that this NPC doesn't work in the MP too...
06-18-2004, 6:48 AM
This is a hard question. The remote.npc file contains two entries: remote and remote_sp. The sp is for single player. The difference is that only the remote_sp uses the class_remote, whereas the plain remote uses class_seeker.

In Radiant, I suggest you try out the NPC_seeker. Although I cannot quarantee that will help with you problem, it's worth a shot. It might be that class_remote doesn't work at all in MP.

Of course you can try to create your own npc entry to have deeper insight into the matter.
06-27-2004, 7:16 AM
seeker is not workin ether,,,,
only sentry is workin,,,,
okey i'll try to make a own Npc but how do i get to work in a map?
i wanna place it in a map not spawn it,,,,
it is for a training map,,,realy nice but i need remote or seeker,,,
 Ice Dyn4stY™
06-27-2004, 7:42 AM
What do you mean exatly? :confused:
I made a trainingsmap too last time...make - make a button, and when you press it, there spawn a NPC in a arena ;) Or things like that :)
06-27-2004, 10:20 AM
If you make your own NPC, you use NPC_spawner to place it somewhere in the map. It's an entity among the NPCs. You just enter key NPC_type and then the entry name of your new NPC as defined in your .npc file.

However, a good option might be to try spawning the original or your own version of the remote (or seeker) via console until you find the one working. After that, you can place the npc_spawner in your map.
06-27-2004, 11:54 AM
okey i'll try that,,

thx guys!
06-27-2004, 12:00 PM
btw,,, shall i do like this: ?

key: npc_type
value: own/test.npc

or: ?
key: npc_type
value: own/test
 Ice Dyn4stY™
06-27-2004, 12:05 PM
The second I think...Or read the enity description ;)
06-27-2004, 12:18 PM
No. You don't need any "paths" in the NPC_type key's value. Just type test in your case. Although "test" is not a very good name for an NPC, if you ask me... Ah. It's not the file name, if you thougt mistakenly that way. It's irrelevant what is the file name (as long as it ends with .npc). The entry names are inside the file itself. So, you can have multiple NPCs in the same file. Check the existing npc files for reference.

EDIT: Some strangenesses...
06-28-2004, 9:48 AM
i get error when im trying to spawn my own npc's
it says error could not spawn npc's seekerown

how shall i do to make it work?
06-28-2004, 11:12 AM
Try if it works in SP. If it doesn't work at all in SP either, and you get the same error message, it might not be a valid npc entry. If it works in SP no problem, or at least spawns even if it didn't last long after that, then it's not supported in MP.
06-28-2004, 12:12 PM
what do u meen with entry name?
06-28-2004, 1:22 PM
I have a file called corsec.npc. It contains 5 different NPCs. The first one starts like this:

playerModel bespin_corsec
health 40
reactions 3
aim 1
move 3

What I call an entry name is coloured in red. Each of the five different npcs in this particular file have an individual entry name.
06-29-2004, 6:32 AM
Thx it works now
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