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brush or patch-mesh?

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05-15-2004, 1:47 PM
ok, if if doesnt matter in any "I need to give this brush a key" kinda way, which creates a better fps, brushes, or patch-meshes?
05-15-2004, 2:14 PM
That depends on the situation, really.
05-15-2004, 5:27 PM
It more depends on the number of tris drawn than the form of the tris.
05-16-2004, 1:06 AM
ok, how bout if its big and flat?
05-16-2004, 7:46 AM
Again, the depends entirely on the situation. If there is stuff next to it, it'll split for T-juns, but generally, they're just as expensive on the polies.
05-16-2004, 8:38 AM
it'll split for T-juns
what does that mean?

other than that, thanks
 Codja X
05-16-2004, 10:12 AM
just use a brush and use the caulk texture on the faces that will not be visible to the player. The reason I suggest this is that patches can be a pain in the arse and are much more difficult to texture correctly.

Make it detail (ctrl-d) if it's not forming part of the hull.

What exactly are you trying to do here anyay?
05-16-2004, 10:22 AM
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