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The adventure

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04-02-2004, 1:17 AM
*bows head* yes my lord, shall my apprentice accompany me?
04-02-2004, 1:19 AM
"If you wish yes." said Des
04-02-2004, 1:21 AM
i shall leave at once master *bows and turns and heads to my ship*

my apprentice and i make a side stop as we work quickly and in near secrecy we kill off two wondering jedi and steal there clothes needed to disguise ourselves on dantooine then continues on our travels till we reach Dantooine*
04-02-2004, 10:34 AM
Meanwhile on Dantooine...

"The Sith are coming, I fell it Master." Fes says.

"Yes, me too Fes." I reply.

"So what has the Councul said?" Fes asks.

"You have grained the rank Jedi Knight, Fes." James says.

"Thank You Master." Replies Fes this time no jumping.

"What shall we do now?" He asks.

"How about going to the Crystel Cave not too far from here and make a new saber?" I suggest.

"Perfact! Let's go!" Fes replies.

They set out, ready to make new Lightsabers when James feels a distrubence in the Force where the Cave is at.

"I have a bad feeling about this." James whispers.

They soon get to the Cave and are about enter when James yells, "DUCK!"

All-of-a-sudden two figures jumped out of the shadows wearing Jedi Robes, but James could clearly see who they were.

"You Pesar must resly love me if he keeps sending you two wherever I go." I say to the two Sith.
04-02-2004, 12:55 PM
(((((((D'OH, and here i WAS gunna be nice to you :p )))))))))

*my apprentice and i look to you and act like we know nothing* good day master james *we both bow our heads and stop to talk to you*

what brings you to the caves this day master jedi?
04-04-2004, 1:42 PM
(Well jedi can sence stuff but this time how about you dont know that guyver is a dark jedi well you do but he is disquised )

Guyver please edit your post.:)
04-06-2004, 12:29 AM
*walks with my apprentice toying with the wildlife, and killing hat hounds, as we head deeper into the wilderness of dantooine in search of something even we don't know of yet*
04-08-2004, 1:36 AM
"Status report?"
04-08-2004, 3:07 AM
*walks into away from everyone*

nothing yet master, to many jedi are watching me and my apprentice, we have heard of a cave far to the north of the academy, i am preceeding to check it out
04-08-2004, 2:08 PM
"Good continue when you have a chance."
04-08-2004, 8:17 PM
yes master, i will check in later....
04-09-2004, 12:31 AM
Peser was geting a reading on the Unknown planet (With the republic base) when his signal got jammed "Darn I want those back online pronto." "ROGER ROGER." said a droid that is a kind of droid callled FR-6-UT-35 (Proto type of the Battel Droid) whose name was (The strongest of his kind) Xizor (Prenounced Sheezor).
04-09-2004, 3:03 AM
*checks the area then takes off with my appreantice to the north of the academy where my wrist scanner is starting to pick up faint energy signals*
04-09-2004, 1:22 PM
"Darth Hawk status report."
04-09-2004, 7:18 PM
*did the other guy just drop of the face of the planet or what???*****

i may have found something master, i am picking up energy signals and i have not seen n e farms or settements here
04-09-2004, 9:20 PM
( I do not know maybe (LOL) )

"Good I am sending you back up Xizor." Xizor comes and touches Peser Peser then teleports to your location "This is Xizor he will come with you."
04-10-2004, 8:09 AM
master i don't need help my apprentice and i can do it ourselves *curses silently*

others will jsut slow me down
04-10-2004, 1:07 PM
"I know that but I want you to take him."
04-11-2004, 4:31 AM
*sighs* as you wish Hawk out

*looks to the guy* just don't get in my way, now lets go
04-11-2004, 3:39 PM
"Teron get that monitor back online." "ROGER ROGER."
04-11-2004, 3:49 PM
*within the hour the republic monitor is fixed*****

*my apprentice and i come across a sealed cave to which the energy readings i had gotten have been coming from it looks to have been sealed millinia ago*

mmmmmm this might be what i was looking for..

*my apprentice nods* to go about
04-11-2004, 4:00 PM
Xizor blasts the door open with his gun.
04-11-2004, 8:32 PM
*sighs* without....... causing to much noise

*shakes head*

your lucky you were sent on behalf of my master or you would be dead already

*walks into the cave my guard up my lightsaber in hand*
04-12-2004, 10:55 PM
((Been on Spring Break and given(at least) three weeks of home work. Sorry Guys.)

"I knew those two "Jedi" were up to something, Master." Fes says.

"Yes, me too." I reply back.

"Master! Look a Hunter-Killer Droid! Why would they have one of those?" Fes asks.

"Because they don't know how to open the cave." I say.

"Then why not ask the Counsel? Surely they would tell them, wouldn't they?" Fes asks.

"They would if they were real Jedi." I reply. "Those two are Pesar's two lackies. Up to no good like always." I say to Fes.

"Then what do we do, Master?" Fes asks.

"Ready your lightstaff and follow me." I reply back grasping my two sabers and I carefully Jump down from the cliff ledge to the entrance of the cave to follow Pesar's Dark Jedi's. I stop at the entrance to wait for my Apprentance to Jump down from the cliff ledge to join me. After he reaches me we walk in to the cave, prepared for anything.
04-12-2004, 10:58 PM
*growls and stops my apprentice sensing it as well quickly find spots hidden within the walls of the cave itself we both clear our minds our dark power hiding itself as well and i "accidentily" shut down the droid and we sit in hiding*
04-13-2004, 9:45 PM
"They're in hiding lets becareful." I tell Fes.
04-13-2004, 10:05 PM
*breaths gently and closes my eye's letting my feelings stretch beyond the cave as i fall into a light meditation*
04-14-2004, 4:21 PM
Suddenly a big flash enters the cave Peser has arrrived "You did well following my apprentace to bad you will not be able to find him nor stay alive HA HA HA..." Peser draws his lightsaber ready to fight!
04-14-2004, 6:30 PM
(does it do something if i join you guys now?)

Name:Solid Snake
AKA Snake
Bio:I had this ability when I was a little boy, I can transform into object and sometimes I think that the jedi are using because of that.
04-14-2004, 6:37 PM
*Snake tries to strike with great vengeance against Pesarґs foot so he falls down but...*
04-14-2004, 8:08 PM
((Mm i would think that invisibility would be a god...mod>...))))))

*appears behind snake my lightsaber at his throat my apprentice's lighsaber at his heart* move and your dead, just cause your invisible doesn't mean you can't be sensed
04-14-2004, 8:51 PM
(((I Have no invisibility longer))))

*Snake thinks"I should have known better"*
04-15-2004, 9:46 AM
(((wait untill luke Katarn or Reclaimer posts till you post again)))))

*looks to Pesar*

i am sorry master i would have stayed hidden, but i needed to deal with snake here

*looks to him*

should i kill him?
04-15-2004, 12:07 PM
"Hmm I would think you should but spare him if he trys to attack again kill him he is a prisoner now."
04-15-2004, 12:09 PM
yes master

*looks to snake* get moving, *tell my apprentice to stay behind with pesar and i return to my ship with snake and locks him up and puts a dampning feild in place so his force powers are neutralized
04-16-2004, 7:43 PM
Peser draws his saber ready to fight. (Fight you Reclaimer)
04-16-2004, 11:27 PM
"Fes. Stand Down." I command.

"But Master-" Fes says but after seeing me raise my saber in position he takes it that I mean it. I look at Pesar.

"Time to finish what we started a long time ago." I say then I motion my hand for him to come get me. He gets my signal and jumps at me. I defend his blow by blocking it with my Vaapad Move. He then lungs at me and...
04-17-2004, 2:32 PM
(DUDE DO NOT CHAR CONTROLL THAT IS MY CHAR NOT YOURS DO NOT CONTROLL HIM) (We are starting this battle over) Peser starts by running up and doing a downward slash.
04-19-2004, 12:43 PM
*having left Feteg behind she too ignites her saber and goes after the apprentice of the jedi*
04-19-2004, 12:47 PM
(Your post reclaimer)
04-19-2004, 10:22 PM
I block his attack then I push him back. I swing my lightsaber at him and he...
04-19-2004, 10:24 PM
feteg with a quick burst of speed gets up behind your apprentice. fetegs saber at her throat the blood lust quite apparent even to pes but feteg looks to pes for the order*
04-19-2004, 10:44 PM
My Apprentance Force Pushes her away and then deactivates his saber and requips to his belt. He then pulls another from his belt and activates it. A Double-Blade. He jumps at Feteg and gets her into a saberlock......
04-19-2004, 10:46 PM
*feteg grins and cracks her neck*

now that is more like it hahaha

*breaks the saber lock and spins on her heal the second blade aimed for her right knee*
04-19-2004, 10:58 PM
The second blade touches her knee and she...
04-19-2004, 10:59 PM
*the blade slices through her knee like a hot knife through butte, and as feteg hears her cry out she spins again in a roundhouse kick the back of her foot hits....
04-23-2004, 2:20 AM
Peser blocka the attack then starts useing force grip on (Reclaimer)
04-23-2004, 2:22 AM
*feteg walks to pesars side* m'lord hawk is waiting, should i return to him?
04-23-2004, 10:58 PM
"Yes go to Tattoine I will meet you and Hawk there." said Peser who let down (Reclaimer) who was now knocked out cold.
04-24-2004, 5:15 AM
*feteg bows* at once m'lord *she takes off for Hawks ship*
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