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JO texture patch for JA

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03-16-2004, 7:38 AM
Is anyone in Lucas Arts, Raven, or in the fan community willing to write a patch that would put all the Jedi Oucast textures into Jedi Acadamy so that they are usable in community maps? Some of my very favorite maps are for JO,but if I want to play them in JA, im missing half of the textures and sky boxes.


I figure that many other JA gamers may want the same thing and i dont think that a texture patch would be tough to accomplish.

Please, please, please


p.s. if you want this patch, please offer support on this tread. What do you think?:yelhelp:
03-16-2004, 8:12 AM
You can install JO take out the assests and rename it under a different name and put it in JA base folder.

Or you can just download it off pcgamemods, but its hell of a big file, so i think installing is better unless you dont have the game.
 Amidala from Chop Shop
03-16-2004, 8:31 AM
No need for a patch.

For a more detailed explanation of what Crow_Nest is talking about, read this (
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