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How you pick your mission- From comic con

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07-20-2003, 11:02 PM
After that you see the galaxy (or a solar system anyway) on a blue print like screen. The back is blue, and the rings showing the planets orbit are white. I think the planets are the only things with individual color. It's in a mission like form. You highlight the mission, and it says what planet it's on and that planet gets bigger on the map, with a description of the mission in a box next to it. Next to the info box, is a small box where Kyle's head is and he talks to you. There's a fair amount of missions from the beginning. He tells you that it's your first mission so he will accompany you.

Thats what some one posted on another forum
07-21-2003, 5:16 AM
Hmm well that sounds exactly like how I pictured the picking missions thing, but I dunno what source this guys has?? I'd rather like to be briefed by kyle and luke in a cutscene though, as we're walking trough the academy :D
07-21-2003, 11:55 AM
yeah i know, i was kind of sad when i heard the news. This guy can be trusted though, u guys know the other topic i posted with info on comic con. They both match up.
 Sam Fisher
07-21-2003, 12:00 PM
That's an intresting way to pick a mission. Cool.
 taekwondo joe
07-21-2003, 12:02 PM
i like it, and i get to fight along side kyle, cool!
07-21-2003, 12:22 PM
i don't like cause it reminds me of star fox for 64, and it'd be cooler if it was a cut scene.
07-21-2003, 12:26 PM
I was kind of expecting a cut scene as well. I was also kind of expecting to return to Yavin after most missions - but maybe the academy itself isn't going to be much of a site for the game.
07-21-2003, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Reprehence
... but maybe the academy itself isn't going to be much of a site for the game.

yeah, thats was what i was afarid of. I was hoping that you could go saber practice walk around, then go meet up with kyle, and luke.
07-21-2003, 12:46 PM
That is SWEET!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
07-21-2003, 4:28 PM
sounds really cool.:cool:
07-21-2003, 5:45 PM
Originally posted by Blademaster_109
yeah, thats was what i was afarid of. I was hoping that you could go saber practice walk around, then go meet up with kyle, and luke.

I imagined something like that as well. If that's not the case, then it's a shame. Visiting the Academy between each mission, and talking with other students, practicing your saber-craft and Force skills, and perhaps even having some simple errands to run, would have been greatly appreciated. I liked the way you went back to the Enterprise between missions in Elite Force 2, and could listen in on people's conversations in relation to current events. It would have been great to visit the Academy in a similar manner throughout JA.

The 'pick a planet' idea is too similar to Galactic Battlegrounds, IMHO, although I suppose it also equates with the 'intermission screens' seen in the original Dark Forces game. Nevertheless, things have moved on since Dark Forces, and I'm a bit disappointed by this idea. For an FPS, it's becoming more and more important to remain 'in contact' with the game's context, and having a 'pick a mission' screen removes that context and slaps you in the face with a reminder that 'it's just a game'.

I'll have to wait to see it for myself, I guess, but I get the feeling this could have been better designed in the proper context - by allowing you multi-choice questions (like Elite Force 2) for mission selection while talking to someone, or by walking up to a holo-console in the academy (or on board your ship), and seeing the planets appear, and then pick your mission from there.
07-21-2003, 7:19 PM
I'll have to wait to see it for myself, I guess, but I get the feeling this could have been better designed in the proper context - by allowing you multi-choice questions (like Elite Force 2) for mission selection while talking to someone, or by walking up to a holo-console in the academy (or on board your ship), and seeing the planets appear, and then pick your mission from there.

That's what I was hoping/expecting too. Maybe there'll be a GOLD edition that has something more interactive. :rolleyes:
07-22-2003, 2:58 AM
Gold Edition? Never heard of that. Cut Scenes would be nice. I hope we can actually train at the academy. Otherwise it sort of defeats the purpose of the title.
07-22-2003, 9:42 AM
I was being facetious about the Gold Edition.
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